
Archive for July, 2004

Microsoft buys Lookout

July 16th, 2004
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Lookout, the search plug-in which I wrote about announced today that they have been this week was acquired by Microsoft.
I’m hoping that this turns out to be a good thing but the fact that it appears to have been rolled into the MSN Search team instead of into the Office team is somewhat worrisome.

Technology & Internet


July 14th, 2004
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Oi. What have I gotten myself into? Yesterday, I signed up to run a marathon in January. I’ve never run more than about three or four miles at once.
Daunting though it may be, I’m doing it through Train to End Stroke, a marathon training team that raises funds for stroke research and education. Two years ago, my father survived a massive cerebellar stroke. That event changed my family life forever.
I’m setting up a Marathon category here and may set up a separate marathon blog. Stay tuned for an ongoing annal of pain and suffering while I teach this aging body to move. ;-)


The Personal Web

July 14th, 2004

Or, “Why Furl, Lookout, and Google put the smackdown on Backflip, Outlook, and Yahoo”
In a comment to my recent post on Furl, Scott Leslie of Ed Tech Post responded:

“FURL is cool enough, I guess, but I’ve been a bit surprised by the hype surrounding it, given that web-based bookmark managers have been around for a while now”

Scott’s right of course, and I’ve used a gazillion bookmark managers in my day. They all had the same problem: they’re bookmark managers. Managing bookmarks sucks. I don’t want to manage bookmarks; I want to manage information that interests me.
Bookmark managers almost all suffer from the same conceptual flaw . . . which also happens to be the same conceptual flaw that has plagued organization of other information as well, such as emails.

Read more…

Technology & Internet