
Archive for December, 2001

Hey, don’t blame me! I’m

December 30th, 2001
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Hey, don’t blame me! I’m just buttering the wombat.


Blog names are the band names of the 21st Century.

December 30th, 2001
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It’s like all of us musical inepts who spent more time thinking up band names than actually learning to play an instrument now have a purpose for our great list of kick ass, man, names. Blogs: Great Names But No Bands.
Remember all the names for the cool band that would be the vehicle by which you and your buddies rocked the freakin’ world, man? Here’s a brief (edited) list of blog names grabbed from Linkwatcher, any one of which could have been a band name you and your buddies (or, at least, me and my buddies) would have thought up:
Virulent Memes, Grouse, The Dome of the Sky, Underduck, Sixth Dev, Ten Reasons Why (oh crap!), Industrial Technology and Witchcraft, Phester, Hopeless Romantics, Next Generation Degeneration, Being Terran, Hit or Miss, Entropy, Wee David, Kitty Kitty, Inexplicable Fancy Trash, etc etc.
You could use random band name generators to come up with blog names, too.
Some people compile lists (and some band names are real). Of course, some sites take band names seriously.


Great googly moogly! Zannah (of

December 30th, 2001
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Great googly moogly! Zannah (of Voxmachina and /usr/bin/girl) got more loot for Xmas this year than I’ve gotten total in the last two decades.
Sheesh. I was really happy about that Barnes & Noble gift card until now.


Whoa. And here I thought

December 30th, 2001
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Whoa. And here I thought DC was a blog wasteland. Lo and behold, I stumble across The Writing Sessions which has a whole list of DC Bloggers with their own . And there are parties! Holy crap! Color me dumbfounded (which is a shade somewhere between chartreuse and grey).
It’s moderated, though; I have to send a little request to be included in the group. Oh, I hope they pick me! Please please please!


Reason #259* For Loving the Web:

December 29th, 2001
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I can use the DC Public Library’s online catalog to see whether books are checked out before hoofing it downtown to the actual bricks-and-mortar site. That just saved me an hour of my life.
*Yes, there are 258 other reasons, but they’re not currently available to the public due to a complex, ongoing litigation.


My four favorite Useful And

December 29th, 2001
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My four favorite Useful And Ridiculously Simple Utilities That Make My Web Life A Bitchload Easier:
Google Search and Yahoo Search bookmarklets: Stick it in your Links bar in your browser. Highlight a word on a web page. Click the bookmarklet. Kablammf! You’ve just completed a Google or Yahoo search. (You can also get bookmarklets to search, like, Alta Vista or Lycos … but why?)
Blog This! bookmarklet: If you use Blogger, stick it in your Links bar in your browser. Browse to a cool website. Click the bookmarklet. Zip-bang-PEETOW! You’ve just blogged that page.
Dave’s Quick Search Deskbar: An extra toolbar for your Windows Taskbar. Install it, enter a search term and, if necessary, search identifier. Chukka-chukka-chukka-zerBONG! You’ve just searched from the Taskbar using Google, Yahoo, or any of about thirty other search engines. Plus, it’s open source and easily customized so you can add more searches to it. I have to labor to avoid the temptation of using its built-in Word Descrambler to cheat at Scrabble.


Mindspill is Anthony Hersey’s new

December 29th, 2001
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Mindspill is Anthony Hersey’s new (as in, like, yesterday) blog.


No Taxation Without Representation Act

December 28th, 2001
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No Taxation Without Representation Act of 2001 , introduced by Senator Joe Lieberman. As a DC resident, I was glad that the DC Politics Hour on WAMU, the local public radio station, reminded me of this Senate bill today. It’s mired in the Senate Finance committee. Write your senator and let them know that it’s unjust that DC residents have no representation in Congress.


Offline for the holidaze. Back

December 23rd, 2001
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Offline for the holidaze. Back around Thursday or so.


How prescient am I? The

December 23rd, 2001
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How prescient am I? The last week has seen a spate of articles and Slashdot references about how MacOS X is gaining traction, at least over Linux, if not Windows (yet).
Browsing through the archives of my blogging activities from 2000 (back when my blog was named “Monkey-mind”), I stumbled across this:

MacOS X ships with stuff like Emacs, tcsh, and Apache . . . as well as running existing MacOS 9.x applications. That last part is the kicker, the reason why Linux will never be anybody’s desktop OS. For example, Adobe would be nuts to develop Photoshop for KDE and Macromedia wouldn’t even consider Dreamweaver for GNOME. But with MacOS X, you can have your cake (e.g. Photoshop) and your hearty bowl of oatmeal (e.g. Emacs) too!

and this:

What do you get when you marry a dump truck with a sports car? MacOS X. And you can drive it anwhere! Wouldn’t it be cool if the sweet combination of a FreeBSD-based core & a Macintosh interface could take the world by storm? … MacOS X can (theoretically) do anything Unix can do and (theoretically) run anything Unix can on PowerPC or (theoretically) Intel chips with an established GUI interface that makes GNOME and KDE look like kindergarden coloring books.

Looks like my prediction is finally coming true! :-)
Okay, so I’m not Nostradamus (who, by the way, was the on Google in 2001). But, dammit, I was right!
