
Archive for November, 2000

You heard it here first.

November 20th, 2000
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You heard it here first. Now Salon is following my lead: check out the article on how the FreeBSD-based MacOS X should scare the pants off Gates. MacOS X ships with stuff like Emacs, tcsh, and Apache . . . as well as running existing MacOS 9.x applications. That last part is the kicker, the reason why Linux will never be anybody’s desktop OS. For example, Adobe would be nuts to develop Photoshop for KDE and Macromedia wouldn’t even consider Dreamweaver for GNOME. But with MacOS X, you can have your cake (e.g. Photoshop) and your hearty bowl of oatmeal (e.g. Emacs) too!


So I downloaded Netscape 6

November 17th, 2000
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So I downloaded Netscape 6 today. Initial opinions:

  • way too much chrome, and none of the themes seem to solve that problem

  • it’s slow as molasses
  • it seems to lock up occasionally

All in all, I’m underwhelmed.


I’m a whore for readers.

November 17th, 2000
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I’m a whore for readers. I added webring links to the site.
I feel so needy.


A while back, I clued

November 17th, 2000
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A while back, I clued you in to the dope rhymes of MC Hawking. Got an email yesterday from one Kenneth Leavitt-Lawrence who is the proprietor of, where you can download sample MP3’s from the master’s illin’ album, A Brief History of Rhyme. Peace out.


I’m quickly becoming a skeptic

November 13th, 2000
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I’m quickly becoming a skeptic on the issue of virtual community.
Here more info why: The Tyranny of Community. Not necessarily specific to online communities, but a good example of When the Community Meme Goes Bad (coming soon to a Fox affiliate near you).


Today I:Had fruit and cereal

November 12th, 2000
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Today I:

  • Had fruit and cereal for breakfast

  • Drank a gigante house coffee and snacked on a blueberry muffin while I read the Post at Xando.
  • Got a haircut from Diego . . . and lied to him about why I hadn’t been in for two months. The Truth: I’m lazy and long hair doesn’t bother me. The Lie: Spent October in Europe. That was a pretty good lie, all said and done.
  • Bought two used CD’s: The Meat Puppets’ Monsters and Mudhoney’s My Brother the Cow.
  • Went to Kramerbooks on Connecticut Ave. and checked out the cashier girl with the sparkly eye shadow and the fountain of red hair. She rocks. If you know her, give her my email. :-)
  • Went to Barnes & Noble (not linkin’ to that!) in Georgetown looking for the next book club book, Operation Wandering Soul by Richard Powers. Of course, when I was there I couldn’t remember the title, so I didn’t buy it in case it was the wrong novel. Now I gotta go back later to get it.
  • Then I came home and had some chips and salsa. I watched a little football, the end of Alien3, and now, inexplicably, Xena is on the set.
  • Soon I’m gonna make some chicken, then go back to B&N, and maybe check out Open Mike Night at a bar called Hell.

Pretty typical Sunday.


So no President yet. Hmm.

November 10th, 2000
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So no President yet. Hmm. Strange.
One possibility that no one (to my knowledge) has raised yet: only 24 states and the District of Columbia require by state law that their Electors in the Electoral College cast their votes for the candidate that won the popular vote in that state.
Electors in some states that Bush won could choose to throw their Electoral College votes to Gore. In fact, this has happened seven times in the 20th century, and as recently as the 1988 race between Bush (Big George, not Dubya) and Dukakis, where one Elector from West Virginia cast his vote for Dukakis even though Bush had carried the state.
No election results have ever been altered due to these so-called “Faithless Electors,” but if ever there was an election that was ripe for some more turmoil, we’ve got one here. Perhaps Bush’s +4 margin of the Electoral vote and roughly -200,000 margin on the popular vote will get some Electors cogitating.
Say Bush carried the-much-contested Florida, but Gore takes as-yet-undecided Oregon. That gives Bush 271 Electoral votes to Gore’s 267 — a slender margin.
If only two of Bush’s Electors go faithless, that throws us into a 269-269 tie and the House of Representatives (which is still controlled by the Republican’s) would break the tie.
But if three Bush Electors go faithless . . . Gore is P.O.T.U.S.
And here’s the kicker: it’s totally consitutional for the Electors to vote however the hell they please.
Yo, Warren Christopher! Forget Palm Beach — start lobbying the Electoral College!


Last night, Florida made me

November 8th, 2000
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Last night, Florida made me feel like I was being pulled over by a cop — it just kept flashing red and blue and red and blue and red and blue . . .
Now I know how Dubya felt when he got busted for drunk-driving.


Okay, so I’ll stick around

November 2nd, 2000
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Okay, so I’ll stick around a while longer, I guess. No promises. You can make me stay around by giving me a good rating (see the little rating stuff over to the left). Green = good! :-)
So anyway, here’s some links:
This one is just just creepy [link glommed from Camworld].
Speaking of Camworld, Cam linked to this article on Groove just a day after a coworker of mine sent me email about Groove. Synchronicity, man.
I love real people. They’re so normal.
